Fidei Logo
Initial letter U

nlike Big Tech,

the price of our product
isn't your privacy

We may be small, but our prices are big on things that matter.

herald reading from a long scroll
Initial letter I



Get the essentials
Email + Calendars


billed annually

$5/mo billed monthly
Sign Up

Or, declare your support with our...

Initial letter F



7 years of
Email + Calendars


save with commitment

price available for a limited time
I'm All In
illustrated golden horizontal separator
lion with a banner
Initial letter F with purple background

idei for


The essentials of Email and Calendars for the entire family

Initial letter N



for families up to 5


billed annually

$10/mo billed monthly
We're In
Initial letter J



for families up to 15


billed annually

$12/mo billed monthly
We're In

Or, stake your family's claim with our...

Initial letter F

iat Plan

for Families

for families up to 15


for 7 years

price available for a limited time
We're All In

Fair isn't Free

Fidei stands for sane technology, made by the faithful, for the faithful.

All of our plans come with Fidei’s friendly customer service.

We’ll help you every step of the way...

Upgrade any time. We'll pro-rate
the difference.

Still have questions?

Check out our FAQs

Schedule a Call

Or, send us an email

Fidei Plans for individuals come with 5GB of storage space for email.

Each family account comes with 10GB of email storage per family, which is pooled among the members.

Email us for details